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All three of these Brisbane based operators use compact tractors and needed a machine that can mow efficiently, provide excellent presentation and be able to mow in any conditions.

Find out how the Striker helped these operators provide the highest quality of turf for their students and athletes.

At Trimax, the machines have always been all about the clients and their operators. Trimax builds mowers that are easy to use, quick and simple to maintain and have a low total cost of ownership. Put simply, Trimax mowers get the job done quickly, simply and with a high level of cost efficiency.

Some First-hand Accounts

Trimax visited three clients in the Brisbane area and asked them to share their experiences with the Trimax Striker, a multi spindle rotary mower designed for use on compact tractors. Brisbane, on Australia’s east coast is one of the wettest parts of the country with the possibility of rain all year round.

The customers Trimax spoke to were three grounds care professionals maintaining sports fields – in short they have large areas of turf to maintain to the highest possible standards, but very little control over their mowing schedules or budget. Come rain or shine, the fields have to be available week in and week out to support demanding school or sports club rosters.

First, the Cost

Stefan Bader is a volunteer mower operator for the Buderim Wanderers Football Club. He says, “The Striker is a very cost effective solution for us. The actual investment in buying it was almost irrelevant and the difference we have achieved by having it is huge. If you care about good fields, it is certainly a worthwhile investment.”

When Deception Bay State High School needed to upgrade their mower they were surprised that the price of the Trimax was more than competitive. Grant Jamieson, the groundsman, says, “There was about $1,500 difference between our existing deck and a Trimax deck. I have to present my school the best I can and this deck has just paid for itself time-over already.”

Paul Cheetham, Property Manager at Immanuel Lutheran College, Buderim, states he chose the Striker because, “…our business manager had to see efficiencies, productivity, economies which they saw with The Striker”. The Striker was also selected because of the superb finish it gives, which includes striping.

When Time is Money

Time spent maintaining machinery instead of using it drives up cost of ownership. Time spent using the machinery instead of seeing to other tasks drives up inefficiency. It’s a tricky fight to win, but Trimax often comes out very favourably.

Buderim Wanderers runs 65 teams with approximately 30 home games every weekend, plus weekday training and midweek social matches. Stefan says, “We’ve been able to increase the speed of mowing. A full-size field previously would have taken maybe 45 minutes, now I do it in 30 minutes, that does make a difference.”

Indeed, a 33% difference, which extrapolated over all the fields and all the mowing Stefan and his team must do on a weekly basis, is huge. It’s also reduced time that the tractor is dedicated to the mower and more time the operator can be working on other important tasks.

At the Immanuel Lutheran College the cricket ovals get one day off a week, Sunday. So maintenance must be slotted between team practises and matches. Paul says, “In the past it used to take one of my guys about half a day to do the main oval, now, with this machine, we do it in less than an hour. Really fast, really quick. We can do it when the grass is wet which is a big plus for us.”

And Grant concurs, “The Striker has actually cut down on my mowing time. It has made a huge difference.”

Speed Mowing is One Thing – A Great Finish is Another

Fortunately, the Trimax Striker handles both in one operation. Grant sums it up best, “When our principal comes to look at our ovals, she can’t get over how good they look. The striping effect leaves an outstanding presentation on the field.”

Stefan comments that the turf has improved radically since the Striker arrived, “The biggest benefit is the consistent cut, and it does make a huge difference compared to what we had before. Our fields are in much better condition now than twelve months ago and we can see a significant difference already.”

Scalping on rises and uneven areas of turf is also a thing of the past for the three groundsmen. With a Striker, it just does not happen.

Wear, Tear and Routine Maintenance

Trimax machines are designed with a simple, robust drive system, made with quality materials. This combined with years of blade technology advancements and minimised grease locations leads to low maintenance requirements for The Striker.

All three groundsmen are impressed by how long a set of LazerBladez lasts as well as the longevity of the other working parts. Grant says, “I used to go through a lot of blades on our previous competitor unit. We purchased our Striker in January this year, it is now the end of July, I still haven’t replaced them yet and the cut quality is still just as good.”

Paul compares the Striker to the machine it replaced, saying, “From a maintenance point of view it’s been fantastic. The finishing mower we had before, if we had any depth in grass it would lose belts and burn out belts and I’d be over here fixing it constantly. This cuts my workload as well as the time for the guys on the mower.”

There’s a Demo Trimax Mower Waiting to Visit You.

Trimax Mowers are exceptional machines. Testimonials like those above are a-plenty, so if you’d like to see how seamlessly a Trimax could fit into your operation, arrange a “no obligation” demo.
AUS School Main
AUS School Main
The Need


The customers needed:

  • Mowing equipment that could handle large areas of turf and maintain them to the highest possible standards
  • A mower that is cost efficient
  • Mowing equipment that can provide a pristine finish in all weather conditions

The Value


Trimax delivers:

  • Fast spindle speeds which increase the number of cuts per unit of travel for a high-quality finish at higher cutting speeds
  • Low maintenance requirements resulting in a low total cost of ownership
  • Optimized airflow through the cutting chamber to cleanly cut wet grass

The Result


The result:

“The biggest benefit is the consistent cut and it does make a huge difference compared to what we had before. Our fields are in much better condition now than twelve months ago and we can see a significant difference already.”

“I used to go through a lot of blades on the competitor unit. We purchased our Striker in January this year, it is now the end of July, I still haven’t replaced them yet and the cut quality is still just as good.”

“In the past it used to take one of my guys about half a day to do the main oval, now, with this machine, we do it in less than an hour. Really fast, really quick. We can do it when the grass is wet which is a big plus for us.”

AU School Result